On behalf of the Police and Human Rights Program of Amnesty International,
Anja Bienert made comprehensible version of the “Guidelines for implementation of the United Nations basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials”
Anja Bienert made comprehensible version of the “Guidelines for implementation of the United Nations basic Principles on the Use of Force and Firearms by Law Enforcement Officials”
We split this into two simple films that explain the rules that should govern the use of force by Law Enforcement Officials;
"Use of force" and "Use of firearms"
The films are used in training and workshops. Available via:
Eindredactie: Anja Bienert
Projectleiding: Karen Veldkamp
Animatie: Rob Haarsma
Regie en Scenario: Kees Veling
Taal: Engels
Projectleiding: Karen Veldkamp
Animatie: Rob Haarsma
Regie en Scenario: Kees Veling
Taal: Engels